U5 Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the question to display the answer.
The birth date range for U5 is listed on the back of the
registration form. The registration
form lists a range of 12 months and we allow 6 more months for "playing up".
Thus, the age range is from August 1, 201x to December 31 of the next year. Any child born
outside this range is not eligible for U5.
At one time, WASA had a policy that allowed parents to register their children for U5,
even if their child was born after the cut-off date. Like so many other policies in life,
this policy was abused and prompted many complaints by the U5 coaches (both coaches with kids
that were too young and coaches playing against kids that were too young).
WASA is now very firm on the U5 birth date range ... no exceptions!
Games are played on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings.
U5 plays soccer at various locations in and around Westerville.
Currently we are using fields at the Hoff Woods Park Extension
(enter from Westdale Ave., behind Cheryl's Cookies near Just Pies) and
Towers Park (enter from Spring Rd.).
Click here for a map to all WASA field locations.
All games are played at the same field location, (see previous question) but that location varies by team.
Every effort is made to place your child on a team that plays at a near-by field, but
field space is limited so we can't always place your child on a team that plays
at the closest location.
The U5 season lasts for 5-1/2 weeks. Check the registration form for the start date of the season.
Practices dates and locations are determined by the coach of the team.
Typically, a U5 team would practice 2 or 3 times prior to the season starting and not
practice during the season.
Yes, WASA never has enough U5 coaches. You don't need to know anything about soccer
to coach a U5 team. Knowing how to have fun and be a good role model is all that is
required to coach at the U5 level.