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Frequently Asked Questions

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The registration cost can be found on our paper registration form as well as the in the division description when going through the online registration process.

WASA does not allow children to play down an age group. For example, your U7-aged child would not be allowed to play U6.

However, WASA does allow children to play up 1 year. For example, a U7-aged child can play up to U8 or a second year U10-aged player can play up to U12. Typically, a child plays up when they are very skilled at soccer and are looking for a more challenging experience. The other scenario involves a younger sibling with average or above average skills playing up to be on the same team with the older sibling.

Note that the middle school and high school leagues are much less likely to allow children to play up.

The coaches do not get their team rosters until the coaches meeting. The date of the coaches meeting is listed on the registration form (and on the calendar page) and is generally 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the season. The coaches are supposed to call their players during the week following the coaches meeting. If you have not heard from your coach after that week, send email to info@wasasoccer.org.

Coaches normally conduct practices during the two or three week period between the time they receive their rosters and the beginning of the season. Practice frequency, duration and location is left to the discretion of each coach, but teams normally practice once or twice a week for an hour or 90 minutes at a Westerville area park or school. (WASA does not assign practice fields - all are used on a "first-come, first-served" basis.)

Most leagues play 2 games a week. The potential game days for each league are listed on the back of the registration form and here.

Generally, the numbers of girls playing on WASA coed teams decreases as the girls get older. U5 through U8 teams are truly coed. Typically U5 teams are a 50-50 mix of boys to girls while U8 is closer to an 80-20 mix of boys to girls. Very few girls, however, participate on coed teams at the U10, U12 and MS levels. There will rarely be more than one girl (if any) per team in these leagues. We recommend girls in U10 and older leagues register for placement in an all-girl rather than coed league if they wish to play with other girls.

No. Earrings and other jewelry are not permitted. More information is available here.

Games will be played even if it is raining unless the referees conclude there is a risk of lightning or the rain has rendered the field unplayable. Both criteria are assessed by referees on the field at game time. It is therefore possible that on a given day referees will postpone games at some Westerville sites while playing at others, or that some games on a given field will be played and some postponed (e.g. 5:30 games postponed, but 6:30 games played). Parents must assume games will be played on schedule and have their children at designated fields on time.

More weather related information can be found on our weather info page.

Should games be postponed, they will be rescheduled by the league coordinators based upon field availability either on a weeknight or Saturday/Sunday afternoon. In recognition of other family commitments in the spring, coordinators will make every effort to schedule make-ups prior to the last regularly scheduled games.

You can request that your child play with a specific coach or with other children when registering. For online registrations, use the Special Instructions field. If registering with a paper form, just write the play with request somewhere on the form. Note, however, that this is just a request and WASA does not guarantee that these requests will be honored.

Each fall season, WASA creates new teams for each league. Only a small number of players (2 – 4) are carried over from the previous spring season’s team. This small number of carried over players includes the coach's and assistant coach's children. Teams are kept together going from the fall season to the spring season.

WASA's youngest age group is U5 (under 5). The birth date range for U5 is shown on the back of the registration form. Note that the age range "bumps up" one year each Fall season.

For more information about U5, please see the U5 FAQ.

More information can be found on our middle school / high school page. This page includes an FAQ for both the middle school and high school programs.

The minimum age for becoming a WASA referee is 12 years old. There is a lot more referee information, including a link to a contact us form, on our referee page.