Parent & Player Information
We tried to make registering and playing with WASA as easy and painless as possible, but we know that we don't always meet the mark. If you have a question about WASA, use the following links to see if the information provided answers your questions.
Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently asked questions about WASA.
Registration Info/Help - Information about how to register a player for WASA, including when to register and the different methods of registration.
WASA's Weather Policy - Information about when WASA cancels games dues to weather and how to get notification.
Concussion Information - What coaches, parents and players need to know about Ohio's "Return to Play" law regarding concussions.
Lindsay's Law Information - What coaches and parents need to know about Ohio's Lindsay's Law.
Soccer Rules - The official rules of soccer and some explanations.
Soccer Terms - A glossary of soccer terms.
Soccer Links - A list of local, national and international soccer organizations.
Still can't find the answer? Send us an email., we promise to get back with you as soon as possible.