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Coaching Information

Coaches, this should be your first stop for coaching information. If you are new to WASA, take a look at the First Time Coaching Information guide. We've also donated multiple coaching and training DVDs to the Westerville Public Library and they are available to check out if you have a library card.

Looking for practice ideas? Check out the Practice Plans and Activities section below or download the free app from Mojo Sports. The app is available for iOS and Android and provides a wealth of information from practice plans to team communication.

Another great learning resource are the coaching license courses offered by Ohio Soccer Association. Go to the OSA coaches page and explore their offerings (click on the Coaching Pathways link).

Soccer rules and explanations moved here

What's New

Did you know that head coaches get a $10 discount if you sign up on or before the walk-up registration date. Ask your league coordinator for the discount code.

WASA has documented our Coach's Conduct policy. Click here to view/download the document.

WASA Policies and Guidelines

This section contains information detailing some of the requirements that must be fulfilled to be a WASA coach and some administrative guidelines that may be useful for new coaches. It also includes a link to our coach's conduct policy statement.

Coaches must complete the online concussion training class (see Concussion Management Training Information) and must pass the background screening process (see Risk Management Form Information). Coaches should be familiar with the sudden cardiac arrest information detailed by Lindsay's Law (see Lindsay's Law Information).